crop circles, zion and archons by trapper/kcmo ..... Ask Trapper
Date: 4/30/2013 9:13:32 PM ( 12 y ago)
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The following crop circle was found July 28th 2012 at Jubilee Copse, near Hannington, Wiltshire, United Kingdom. Note that a jubilee is a “time or season for rejoicing.”
Blind Message
(picture from cropcirclecenter. com)
One of the first things to note is that this circle is made with very crooked lines, which was purposeful humor on the part of the secondary midwayer who created it. This crop circle encodes two messages in braille, which I find highly amusing. This message is for blind fools who think men tramp around Wiltshire during the height of tourist season with boards and sticks creating highly intricate pieces of art in the dark of night. If you haven't the logical mind to figure out why that is ridiculous, why should they bother with precise intricate lines? I still laugh to myself when I look at this circle.
Here is the diagram I used to solve for the two messages that are contained within it. It is flipped around 180 degrees from the photograph above, so that the thick line is on the left instead of the right. However, the “top” is actually the right edge in the diagram below for reading the braille symbols, as you can tell from the direction of my written scribbles.
Blind Diagram
I used a few different online sources to decode the messages but the main guide I depended on for the rules of written braille is at the following link:
[link to]
The braille “letters” in the crop circle are as follows:
[capitalize next letter] [h, have] [ing] [empty cell, space] [wh, which] [4-6 dot final letter contraction]
[w, will] [k, knowledge] [k, knowledge] [st, still, slash] [a] [n, name]
[in] [ow] [t, that] [wh, which] [and] [for]
[dis, dd, .] [en] [dis, dd, .] [ar] [be, bb] [con, cc, :]
Each symbol usually has more than one meaning, often standing for both a letter and a word. For the sake of clarity I will sellect the correct value for each letter for the first message before I unscramble them. The braille “letters” in the first message are the following:
[capitalize next letter] [have] [ing] [empty cell] [which] [4-6 dot final letter contraction]
[will] [knowledge] [k] [st] [a] [n]
[in] [ow] [t] [wh] [and] [for]
[dis] [en] [dd] [ar] [be] [con]
The braille symbols in the correct order for the first message are below.
[wh] [a] [t] [dis] [k] [be] [st] [ow] [ing] [for] [knowledge] [in] [capitalize next letter] [4-6 dot final letter contraction] [n] [and] [which] [will] [have] [ar] [con] [en] [dd]
This works out to the following string.
The first message contained in the crop circle is in corrected English below. I have replaced “Sion” with the more well known spelling “Zion” for clarity.
What disk be stowing foreknowledge in Zion and which will have archon end?
“Stow” means “to place or arrange, especially in a neat, compact way” or “to pack tightly.” And the disk with foreknowledge tightly packed within it is the circular ASCII binary coded disk next to the face of Caligastia discovered in a crop circle August 15th 2002. This disk was discussed in my post Thread: FALL OF THE MAD LEOPARD - Crop Circle Message Decoded (Urantia) the other day. And it is the second message in this disk, encoded in the capital letters, that gave foreknowledge of Zion and an archon ending. That message is below for comparison.
Salem is Jerusalem and equivalent to Zion. Archon is a Greek word meaning basically “ruler, or lord” and is used in the New Testament as a word for prince in phrases such “prince of the world' and “prince of devils." Both “evil prince” and “archon” are references to Caligastia.
The coded disk of August 15th 2002 stowed foreknowledge of the imminent departure of Machiventa Melchizedek for Urantia on July 30th 2004, which was described in crop circle pictograms of seraphic transport. Reference my post on the subject, Thread: I SAW THREE SHIPS - Crop Circle Analysis (Urantia)
There is a second message encoded within the same braille symbols in this crop circle. Below are the symbols relisted with the correct values for the next message.
[capitalize next letter] [have] [ing] [empty cell] [which] [4-6 dot final letter contraction]
[will] [k] [k] [st] [a] [n]
[in] [ow] [that] [which] [and] [for]
[dis] [en] [dd] [ar] [be] [con]
These symbols are rearranged in correct order below.
[and] [which] [ar] [con] [will] [have] [dis] [en] [4-6 dot final letter contraction] [n] [for] [that] [which] [a] [k] [in] [dd] [capitalize next letter] [k] [ing] [be] [st] [ow]
They make the following string.
In proper English, the second message is as follows:
And which archon will have dissension for that which a kind King bestow?
I think we know the answer to that question; once again the messenger is referring to Caligastia. I think the “King” in this sentence is probably Master Michael rather than Machiventa for a couple of reasons. First, the word is capitalized, this is an important King. And second, the use of the word bestow. Master Michael was our Paradise Bestowal Son, while Machiventa is our vicegerent Planetary Prince.
The fact that there are two symbols [dis, dd, .] when one could be replaced with the braille “letter” [d, day] is another message in itself. There are two braille symbols that mean “period” or “end of the sentence” in the crop circle. This tells us the crop circle encoded not one but two messages, both of which I have decoded, so based on that clue it is unlikely there are any more messages in this crop circle.
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