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Re: Is undecenoic really Most appropriate Candida fighter....? by ericbakker ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   4/8/2013 3:42:00 AM ( 12 y ago)
Hits:   3,638

I don't really believe that castor bean oil extract is "the" way to go, anymore than I believe that Fords are better than Toyotas.

This nonsense all started when Thorne Research began to aggressively promote SF722 several years ago, and made the statement that Undecenoic Acid is "6 times more potent than caprylic acid". And many folks have been saying this in parrot fashion ever since. I'd love to know where this "six times" comes from, Ive found caprylic acid to be very effective when used correctly in clinical practice. I used SF722 for over ten years as a stand alone and certainly wasn't "six times as impressed" than when I was using caprylic acid to be perfectly honest, even after using it SF722 in over a thousand candida cases.

The best candida fighter in my clinical experience is good old grapefruit seed extract, as well as el cheapo fresh, raw, organic garlic. But in saying that, undecenoic acid works best when combined WITH caprylic acid, and here is a little bit of information right out of my book:

"I once used to recommended just caprylic acid as a stand-alone candida treatment, and then just undecylenic acid as a stand-alone treatment, but have since discovered that a combination of undecylenic acid and caprylic acid to be a much more effective product combination in most all candida cases. My naturopathic clinic has tried well over one hundred candida kill products and I’ve consistently found undecylenic acid and caprylic acids when used on their own or combined to be considerably less effective than when grapefruit seed extract was used in addition. So now I tend to recommend the combination of all three: undecylenic acid, caprylic acid AND grapefruit seed extract. A killer triple combination, and one I’ve recommended many times over because it just works.

I think I’ve discovered why this is such a potent combo, it’s because the combination of different fatty acids together with the potent anti microbial and anti fungal action of Grapefruit-Seed-Extract have a powerful broad-spectrum effect on the many (19) different species of candida as well as the literally hundreds of other strains of yeast and bacteria which populate the gastrointestinal tract of many patients with chronic yeast infections. Do you really need the latest whiz-bang candida killing product? I don’t think so; you just need to figure out the right combination of nutrients that have proven themselves over the past 50 years in therapy.

But what about good old caprylic acid that Dr. William Crook used to recommend for so many years, is it "old hat" now?

Caprylic acid inhibits the growth of detrimental yeasts such as candida albicans within the intestines. It exerts this effect via its incorporation into the cell membranes of yeasts, the cell membranes then rupture that effectively kills the yeast cell. Caprylic acid is an 8 carbon-chained MCTs (medium chained triglycerides), and MCTs have an excellent stability of oxidation, and most top quality dietary supplements containing this acid have a two-year shelf life. Capric acid is similar to caprylic acid, but is a 10-carbon chained MCT, and the best candida formulations will contain both of these fatty acids. Incidentally, undecenoic acid is a 10 or 11 chained fatty acid, but you will hear that "because it is longer chained it ruptures yeast cell walls more effectively" - all speculation.

Besides being great antifungals, caprylic and capric acids are also beneficial in treating bacterial infections. Due to their relatively short chain length they have little difficulty in penetrating fatty cell wall membranes, hence their effectiveness in combating certain bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus and various species of Streptococcus.


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