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Re: back to the original question by trapper/kcmo ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist

Date:   5/13/2006 8:38:35 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   2,281

i agree. compare it to the things you have said:

"thats the most rediculous thing I ever heard ,even out of your mouth.So you can justify such an over the top statement because you have met a few people on disabilty , and that gives you a right to justify belittling every person on disability with a lame blanket statement like that! lofl!"

"oh its the groupy of the year ,mh could say jump and you would say how high! uhg!
he can make these godlike statements about what people are thinking,and the groupies go yah mh for president, lol, how long you gonna hang around to defend him trapper!
shall we prepare a crown of thorns?"

"ah now the super ego speaks, , like you know what my experience is, man ride the guru express! you know all those who are disabled and all those who dont have a rich ole lady to tend thier disabilty! Does three dollar bill ring a bell?"

"trapper you have been lickin mhs barefeet for a long time now how come you are still sick? how come you have to babble in gylcovooddo and seek out all these non mh protocal ? don't you want to get well?"

"blind faith, reserved for gods did no one see the implication claiming an insight to all on disabilty, birds of a feather I see vanity is a contagious disease! why are you still here my friend haunting these halls of the ill , as a member of the clan what are you still seeking that you havent found yet! Or maybe you dont really want to find it either!"

so coherent.

so informative.

so uplifting.

Ohfor07 sounds like einstein, ghandi and shakespear all rolled into one next to that.

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