Re: My body has gone nutso! by Sherpa ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum
Date: 3/30/2013 10:28:06 AM ( 12 y ago)
Hits: 3,689
I am not a medical expert, but I "think" that hives can be triggered or aggravated by a 'crash' or by low cortisol production capability (a problem that can happen with AFS - adrenal fatigue syndrome).
It sounds like MAYBE, possibly, your cortisol production rhythms are out of whack. It sounds like your cortisol is too high at night and you can't sleep, and too high most of the time... and sometimes after it is on OVERDRIVE for days on end... and then for periods your adrenals become exhausted, your cortisol drops your body aches, muscles inflame, your Depression soars
Costisol... the 'fight or flight' horomone triggered when you panic... is also responsible for making swelling / inflammation in the body go away.
When your body is in a weakened state due to extreme stress, worry, neurochemical imbalance - you can become sensitive to foods, allergies, microbes - and you can get severe inflammation, aches and depression.
Does this sound like you?
If you want to read more about AFS in depth, I recommend Dr. Lam's book:
For a brief overview, I recommend this article:
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