How to treat citrobacter, kiebsiella with oregano and olive leaf? by Sendo ..... Acid Reflux/GERD Forum
Date: 3/27/2013 8:51:31 PM ( 12 y ago)
Hits: 7,206
My cultures came back +4 for both citrobacter freundii and kiebsiella oxytoca. The lab indicated susceptibility to oregano, olive leaf and uva ursi. After a month of uva ursi, I still have reflux, brain fog, lethargy, bloating and belching after eating and suspect these opportunists are still hanging around. I am trying to resist treatment with Antibiotics .
How to treat with oregano or olive leaf? What is a proper "high stregnth" dosage? How long to take either of these? With food or empty stomach?
Other potent treatments for these bacteria?
Thanks for any help.
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