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The scariest picture I have ever seen on curezone. by #19236 ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist

Date:   5/5/2006 10:31:34 PM ( 19 y ago)
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This is the scariest picture I have ever seen on curezone. This picture caused me to take my dewormer, cleanse my body, do my oj fasts, chelate mercury out of my brain with cilantro, chelate lead out of my body with pineapple. MH said cilantro pulls all kinds of bad stuff out of the brain and pineapple chelates lead out the body. I now RUN away from people who are misinformed and not aware that all cystic diseases and cancers and other diseases are caused by parasites breeding and feeding on the toxic waste and creating thier waste in our bodies, malignant cysts grow because some pork tapeworms lay over 100,000 eggs a day in a body. I RUN from people who do not advocate living a clean life, low risk lifestyle, and clean diet anti parasite lifestyle, and I will not touch pork and understand why many religions forbid pork eating. I also believe correct use of metaphysics WITH proper diet and lifestyle can correct dis ease by stimulating the bodies natural T-cell immune response in conjunction with correct human footsteps, i.e., correct diet, hygiene, lifestyle, belief systems. Doctors admit disease is maggot and maggot egg caused but doctors say they are too uncomfortable to discuss parasites with thier patients and it also makes the patients uncomfortable. What a despicable pathetic bad and sad non excuse from doctors. The cdc, center for disease control, online, and every large health university online has statistics and pictures on every parasite disease and illness caused by parasites on the globe, if doctors are too negligent to discuss parasites with thier patients maybe these malpracticing doctors should get into another line of work, like PUBLIC EDUCATION, where they are paid only if they correctly educate the public about the dangers of parasites. Or maybe parasites have been thier dirty little secret biowarfare game to get med biz and bucks and mistreat the people? Ya think anyone would be that negligent malpracticing and scummy for money?? Anyway, politics and creep misdiagnostic bad md malpractitioners bad biz motives aside, do not look at these pictures if you are squeemish. Page 1 on link is the 2nd scariest picture I have ever seen on curezone.


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