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Re: How I was cured of many mental illnesses using alternative remadies! by Ice Princess ..... Psychiatry Alternatives Support Forum

Date:   3/6/2013 11:18:23 PM ( 12 y ago)
Hits:   30,352

Great story. Thanks for taking the time to share. I believe this will help a lot of people I would like to add that sometimes, not just being wheat-free, but grain free is also helpful (at least for me). And that there are books I am using now that are helping me called The Healing Code and The Emotion Code that are helping me tremendously. Support structure and routine has become key in my life, as well as trying to control my thoughts and think positive things about the future and move FORWARD instead of dwelling on the past. Sometimes, it is very difficult to imagine a positive future when all you have known is negative, but daily prayer seems to help. Not the wishful thinking type of prayer, but knowing that as you speak, God is making a difference in your life. I often call friends to help when I feel overwhelmed. I am ashamed to admit I have had to go on Effexor and Klonopin, but i have some very difficult life circumstances right now Don't like the liver toxic properties of these drugs, but again. I hope it will only be for a short time and allow me to have compassion for others who have had to go through the same thing.


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