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Re: Weird skin reaction from oil pulling?? by newclassic ..... Oil Pulling & Oil Swishing Forum

Date:   2/22/2013 8:31:39 PM ( 12 y ago)
Hits:   9,149

thanks for the advice! I'll look up more info on coconut oil and skin. this is why I'm not a fan of homeopathic cures--I've heard dual theories based on conjecture for everything--e.g. ACV is either great or terrible for teeth.

I think if it were spillage, the breakout would be localized to the lower half of my face--I woke up and my whole face was puffy, even my eyes. the thing is, I've been using coconut oil as a moisturizer for *months* and it's helped my eczema tremendously, on top of improving my skin overall; if I were allergic, allergy symptoms would have manifested by now. I mean mineral oil is for sure bad because it's basically a synthetic liquid petrolatum, but coconut oil should in theory be harmless

I'm just worried that oil pulling MADE me allergic to coconut oil. that's what happened with me and shrimp--I could eat it just fine, until one night I had waay too much; since then, I've been allergic.

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