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Re: Some help perhaps? by thelaughingdogs ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum

Date:   2/18/2013 5:46:02 PM ( 12 y ago)
Hits:   3,005

Snobetty that is a very valuable piece of information you just contributed. It wasn't tell I read this that I put two and two together. I have been reading for months how most doctors are now saying that most disease is caused by inflammation. Well I have almost gotten over my AF. I have been doing detoxes off and on for a year now and targeting copper with them. Copper seems to have set my body off along with stress four years ago. Well after doing the detoxes I felt so much better but I still noticed I had that flight or fight response in my body that was set off easily all the time. I was wondering how to get rid of it. Unrelated I started taking Relora to calm my coritsol levels and keep them in check. What I didn't know about Relora is that is also helps with inflammation. After a month I noticed the bags under my eyes where almost gone and my whole fight and flight response was so much better.

Thanks for helping me make that huge connection!


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