Re: Cortisol and Vitamin C by natway ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum
Date: 2/18/2013 11:56:12 AM ( 12 y ago)
Hits: 3,576
Almost everybody I've seen that say they can't handle much fruit have a high-fat diet, that included me. After I went low-fat, I can eat all the fruit I want.
Humans can't make Vitamin C, but most of the top 10 foods high in Vitamin C are fruits, yet we shun fruits and everyone wonders why people are getting sicker and sicker.
Fruits are also the best natural cleansing foods and its high amounts of Vitamin C is a binder to heavy metals to pull them out of the body.
Humans are 99% similar to chimpanzees and their natural diets are made up of mostly fruit, moderate vegetables, low in fat and hardly any meat and their species seem to be doing just fine health wise.
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