Re: I have guns and pills by Southern Belle ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist
Date: 4/28/2006 5:19:48 AM ( 19 y ago)
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You know, someone cared enough about you to send me an e-mail asking me to come over here to this forum and read your post. (I have had other things going on in my private life and have not been able to be on curezone lately.) Now doesn't that just speak volumes as to how much people DO care and love you? Man, someone loves you that much!!! How cool is that?
I live very close to the Mississippi Gulf Coast and I try to go down there a lot to help Katrina victims and to give me a dose of reality. People down there live in conditions people in third world countries live in and it's NINE MONTHS after the hurricane and we are getting ready to enter another hurricane season. There is despair and alcoholism and everything you can imagine. But, in the midst of this, I see hope in the faces of so many people. They have lost EVERYTHING they own and State Farm and Allstate Insurance companies pay them nothing even though they faithfully paid their insurance premiums year after year. I know someone who received a check for $535.00 to cover the rebuilding of their home. What a joke. He sent the check back to State Farm and told them they must need their money more than he did. He lives in a small FEMA trailer. But, he laughs and says it could be worse.
19236, as well as others, wrote a great post to you (that is why I gave it an "R") and I can't really add more than that.
Life just sucks sometimes and until I read your post, I thought I was the only one going through a bad time. My daughter and her precious daughter moved back in with us last month for the second time in 2 years. (Now, if you have ever had a child move away only to have them come back again, you know what I am talking about! The saying "You can never go home again is true.") (Ha) The circumstances this time are very different. She had to walk away from a job where her boss was sexually harassing her and boy, was he ever doing that! I was in a rage when I found out. What a pig!
My point in telling you a little bit about my personal life (my life is pretty much an open book anyway if you have been on curezone any length of time) is to tell you that even though life does suck, EVERYONE is here for a reason. We ALL have a purpose even though, at times, it seems like we serve no purpose at all. Stick around and, in time, you will see what your purpose is...........Even now, with my daughter here, I am beginning to understand one of the reasons she is here again and it is to teach ME something. Imagine that! If you stick around, I will tell you what she is teaching me.
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