Re: Husband does not want to have sex with me by uchihaMadara ..... Ask CureZone Community
Date: 1/19/2013 9:42:01 PM ( 12 y ago)
Hits: 7,007
I stumbled on to this post at random, but it seems that he's up to cheating again or his desire for you is low. It could be his Testosterone/hormones are low, decreasing desire. It's one of the two more than likely. A doc can do blood tests if he's willing to go. Diet influences desire to a large extent, as well as many environmental and physiological factors.
I can't imagine you have much trust if you were cheated on, he messed up and/or you weren't providing something for him. Whether intentional or not, don't blame yourself for not filling some need he might have or want.
If I were you, I'd been gone long ago due to trust issues. If you want to be more intimate with him, ask him to ask you what his needs are or how you can help become more intimate again. You can't make him want you, it has to be a decision he comes to on his own with you being supportive, inquisitive, and loving.
Many relationships become stagnant throughout the years, it's important to keep them fresh with new experiences, ideas, thoughts, revelations, or any kind of exciting additions. Problem is, most people become so used to one another that they forget and don't take what I stated to heart. You're dealing with some tough questions and only you can come to those tough conclusions. I wish you the best in your quest.
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