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The peirs morgan- alex jones 'debate' was staged... by johng ..... Ask Trapper

Date:   1/9/2013 9:19:09 AM ( 12 y ago)
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The Peirs Morgan – Alex Jones Debate Was Staged – (video)

By Mark S. Masta (A Political Rennie)

This was staged. I’ve suspected AJ was part of the controlled opposition for a couple of years. Now I’m convinced. I know of his rants and all but, I’ve seen him in interviews with many other hosts on this and other topics and never seen him go into a rant.

Now, when the time is just right he delivers to the enemy exactly what they need to push their gun control agenda. He will now be used as the pro-gun “poster-child” for the entire gun control, anti-gun, anti-second amendment push that will ramp up over the next several weeks.

I believe we’ll be seeing hundreds of sound bites from this interview. AJ is far to smart to do something like this by accident. It was done on purpose. This was staged!

I got suspicious when an alleged listener proposed a ‘money bomb’ a few years ago. He never disclosed the exact amount but said it was well over six figures and in just a week or so. Within a few months he had a top-notch TV studio. It occurred to me at that time that he may have just received a payoff for something in the future. I believe we may have just witnessed it.

The third clip is the guest right after AJ. You’ll see what I mean by poster-child.


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