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Re: Pure Funk!! by ChasingSanity ..... Body Odor Forum

Date:   1/3/2013 8:32:04 AM ( 12 y ago)
Hits:   2,268

Thank you for replying to my message and your kind words. I am going to purchase Lavilin today, its worth a try because none of the drug store stuff is working. I honestly feel like it's all over like something is coming out of my pores, because I can be fresh out of the shower and people still complain, at different jobs many times on my very first day. It's like a musty dirty odor I am carrying around and it's only detectable by none family members (sounds crazy I know) but its my new reality. You are right about reading scriptures I have noticed a huge difference in my mood level and ability to make it to work everyday is when I fail to re-new my mind with the word of GOD. I believe reading the word or hearing it gets me through the day better than without. I honestly start to panic when I don't.

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