MUST READ - Copper/Zinc ratio - ONLY PROBLEM with non-albicans ! by Pokermaniac ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum
Date: 1/1/2013 7:13:36 AM ( 12 y ago)
Hits: 6,296
I switch my low carb diet third time now two days ago since last two years. I am 100% sure that copper/zinc ratio in food is only problem with my non-albicans C. Guilliermondi (also other popular non-albicans like Kefyr, Glabrata work i think).
I do not feel good since june 2011 and may 2012 where i have few weeks without die-off. Yes, its two years and then i have some good day's (not matter HIGH CARB or LOW CARB) i was copper/zinc ratio 1:13 up to 14 like only natural copper 2,5mg from food and 15mg zinc from food and 20mg from supps. So ratio around 1:14, but its not matter how many you eat but haw many we assimilate ! So i think around 50-60% is maximum of zinc supps that i assimilate. Now, we have ideal ratio 1:10 !! And i have same herxes on low carb like on high carb. Morever, when i have high blood Sugar i have no flare ups, when i have low blood Sugar or feel hunger i have flare ups !! How i know ? I see on my penis - violet/pink/red spots !
Now i have 3 same meals in a row:
70g millet, big potatoes, 50g sauerkraut, 150g broccoli = 3mg zinc and 1.1mg copper and i get 10mg(6-7 assimilate) zinc supps ~ 1:10 ratio. I am herxing v. strongly.
CA/Mg and Na/K ratios are good 2:1 and 4:5 but they are less important !
Its only zinc / copper wrong/good ratio give me gut pain, colic, headache, eye floaters, stomach ache, ear ringing ... all available herxes.
Please correct your ratio to 1:10 - 1:12 in natural form or 1:15 with zinc supplements and see how it work.
Use Blood Type Diet , its help me a lot.
Share your experience here, thanks.
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