Re: Reactive Hypoglycemia and reactive Arthritis caused by H pylori ?. by tay19 ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum
Date: 12/6/2012 6:48:45 AM ( 13 y ago)
Hits: 8,135
Thank you everyone. The thoughts are appreciated. :)
Natway, I do seem to be constantly tired yeah , I passed my driving test a few weeks ago but whilst learning there's been a few times I've done this sort of gaze thing where I simply stare into space unaware of danger , I know it's part of this because again it tends to happen after I've eaten carbs.
Funnily enough though when you ask if I get worse gastrointestinal upset when eating more sugary foods whilst sometimes this is the case it actually appears to be the opposite. As mentioned I've been low carb before and it seems to make my ulcer , gastritis and acid reflux worse.
The reason for this I'm 99% sure is because when I'm eating foods such as bread and potatoes it's giving the acid in my stomach something to do rather than irritate my ulcer and cause acid reflux.
I'm really reluctant to go zero carb and I've noticed Sweet potatoes are the least bothersome for me for some reason ( anybody any idea why this might be ? ) so I'll be keeping them in my diet.
I think getting rid of regular potatoes and leaving out or really limiting the bread in the morning would be best for me.
Another frustrating things is that all the carbs I eat have a good amount of fibre and I've always had constipation problems since birth. Since eating the diet I follow now I've been opening my bowels daily which I can't tell you how amazing is for me. Changing the diet feels wrong in this way.
I suppose going low carb wouldn't be something I do forever though , this diet and regime would be to starve out and kill the fermenting bacteria and yeast and then I could hopefully reintroduce more carbohydrates over time. I've read a lot of scary stories about how low carb diets can be dangerous and already being massively underweight it's a scary thing to consider but if this is my best shot at healing myself and ridding my body of this bacteria causing so many problems I'm definitely going to try my hardest.
Thanks again everyone. :)
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