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Re: please help with bv!! by Mina5522 ..... Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

Date:   12/3/2012 8:02:21 AM ( 13 y ago)
Hits:   4,661

Well I can totally relate to what your experiencing. In fact the whole reason Im replying is I cant sleep because Im having a painful bout of BV. I have read numerous posts and so I have to clear up some of the confusion thst I read from people that may not realize they are experiencing maybe more than one infection.

First, i have had this since I was 20 years old. This is NOT an STD as i got it when I ass a virgin and had it for 8 years before I married my husband and yes I was. 28 year old virgin. I went at that time to many specialist I had PPO and money to boot so I paid whatever. I went to an infectious disease specialist and even had them take a punch biopsy out of my skin because i would itch so bad my body would produce huge welts in my Labia so they punch biopsies it (Nightmare) !!!!!!! I was eleven tested for AIDS since non of the meds worked. Flagyl metrodiazonalle, etc. they thought maybe you have aids??! Ridiculous or maybe its herpes no no no no all tests negative if course.

One thing i read alot in these chains is about yeast. BV is Not yeast it's bacterial and it grows when your PH is off balance. So the big kicker in all these chains is be careful what you stick in your vagina because it could make it worse. Now the medication for BV can cause yeast, it does for me many many times. So you get one treated and the next comes and for me yeast is harder to treat than the BV . I think some of these peoe got yeast from the flagyl and they think they still have BV but that is usuly gone and they need to treat the yeast. Fir many months I got a wet mount every 7 days just to confirm what I had to treat it correctly so i saw the flipping back and forth of the infections.

So for BV after 23 years if this nightmare this is what I have found..,, It is diet diet diet diet and more diet. It is also stress stress will not allow your body to heal as quickly!!!! That totally drives your PH, i went on a strict diet for another reason and was in the middle of a bad bought of BV i did not have yeast yet just BV and i was not in the mood to take the meds. I have become extremely sensative so i get chronic vulvar pain when Zi need to even go to the bathroom because im hypersensitive due to the infections anyway i went on the diet and viola the BV went away on its own, this had never happened in 20 years. I also found a new doctor who told me to use refresh this has been very beneficial to me and I use a PH balance shower gel . My period triggers the BV unfortunately because hormones make a very low grade infection grow. I also found i was deficient in magnesium so i began taking that after I spoke to the pharmacist. Bacteria does grow when your floral is wracked so i also began taking 25 billion probiotics from Kline laboratories, not cheap but high quality. I also went to an acupunturist and they had herbs for GI infections because that is where it starts. I always start with an itchy sticky rectum and then within three days its in my vagina so i now have these her s i take and although its slower it always kills my BV!!!!! So go to your accupinture st! I have taken tons of vitsmins and probiotics over the years and nothing has worked as well as the diet low acid low Sugar and the Chinese herbs and rephresh. No more flagyl and no more metro gel which burns me now because im just to thrashed. Thankfully I have a great husband who lets me do a million other things to make up for this problem but we have turned a corner and i am confident this is finally going away.

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