Nuts to eat on the anti-candida diet by CGally81 ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum
Date: 12/1/2012 12:33:45 PM ( 13 y ago)
Hits: 3,189
Most of my diet is anti-candida. (I don't bother with a full anti-candida diet since my main cause is mercury, and I'm dealing with that mainly. Once the mercury is gone, the candida will be easy to kill)
However, I have never really been into nuts, but I'm trying to improve my diet over time. I'd gotten into foods such as eggs, replaced white rice with brown rice, and have made many healthy changes over time. I drink apple cider vinegar with water when I have breakfast or dinner. Basically, my diet is healthier than it used to be.
But I was never big on nuts, and I admit, there are many I haven't tried. What nuts would you recommend for an anti-candida diet? That help kill it or prevent flare-ups? I try to make a point to try new things (like the acai berry detox I'm doing this weekend) that are healthy, and I'd like to move that much closer to a good anti-candida diet as I deal with my health issues. What types of nuts are healthy and that I might like, and that I could get easily at a Whole Foods?
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