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Re: Extreme Stress, Cortisol, and Seriphos by Marie64 ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   11/20/2012 7:03:52 PM ( 13 y ago)
Hits:   8,984

Hi davidhjkang,

I would look into Heavy metal toxicity. Good start would be Dr Larry Wilson,

Theresa Vernon,

I suffered many years and conventional Dr's were not a help until I was finally diagnosed with auto-immune Addison's disease.
I am not sure an Endo would be that much of help in finding a cure. They mostly only treat the problem.

I started NB in 2011 and I have come so far with the protocol. It can be challenging at times. But in the long run the only thing that is helping me.

You may want to look into zinc to help lower cortisol levels and calcium to calm you.

I think you really should when you have time to research this I gave you. I would not recommend doing high doses of any supplement unless you have a hair analysis.

Hope you get some answers and help.


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