Re: Help, I have a large goiter and HYPERTHYROID by redirish ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team
Date: 11/18/2012 11:04:14 AM ( 13 y ago)
Hits: 6,938
I went through the list and I have symptoms of both, not sure why. My first blood test did that not prove I have hyperthyroid? I listed my symptoms below
chest pain
difficulty sleeping and/or insomnia
elevated blood pressure
hand tremors
increased sweating
irregular menstrual periods
irritability or nervousness
more frequent stools and/or diarrhea
muscle weakness
rapid or irregular heartbeat
sensitivity to heat
Bone/Muscle pain
shortness of breath and/or difficulty breathing
blood pressure problems
Inability to hold children for very long
Often feeling cold
Cold hands and feet
High or rising cholesterol
Palpitations, Fibrillations
Plaque buildup
Dry Hair
Hair Loss
Dry cracking skin
Sleep Apnea (which can also be associated with low cortisol)
Air Hunger (feeling like you cant get enough air)
Inability to concentrate or read long periods of time
Inability to lose weight
Aching bones/muscles
Bumps on legs
Exhaustion in every dimensionphysical, mental, spiritual, emotional
Inability to stand on feet for long periods
Slowing to a snails pace when walking up slight grade
Extremely crabby, irritable, intolerant of others
Dry skin or snake skin
Major anxiety/worry
Ringing in ears
Joint pain
Blood Pressure problems
Dizziness from fluid on the inner ear
Low body temperature
Tightness in throat; sore throat
Swollen lymph glands
Allergies (which can also be a result of low cortisolcommon with hypothyroid patients)
irritable bowel syndrome
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