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Some interesting questions about hurricane sandy by johng ..... Ask Trapper

Date:   11/4/2012 9:06:48 PM ( 13 y ago)
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Line item facts about Hurricane Sandy that will shock you

Posted on  by Cathleen

Jim Stone Freelance

These facts are a combination of eyewitness testimony, and a hunting down of recorded data.

1. No preparation whatsoever was done to protect the city by the government. Noaa warned New York two days in advance that the lowest subway entrances needed to be sand bagged well enough to hold back two feet of water to prevent the subways fromflooding, because a storm surge of 11.5 feet was predicted, and the lowest subwayentrances are at 10 feet. Yet the people in charge there opted to not protect the subways when it would have been easy. Sandbagging against two feet of water is childs play. That’s NOTHING. Why was it not done? Furthermore, the World Trade Center site needed only 2 feet of sandbags as well. So why were the workers at that site not told to go out for a couple hours and sandbag the place? I guess Lucky Larry wanted a photo op there as well.

2. Sandy made landfall as a category 1 hurricane, yet with a barometric reading of a category 4. On top of that, Sandy made landfall at the peak of the high tide, and acheived a tide combined storm surge of 12 feet. Since timing is everything, I would like to ask how it all worked so perfect, how that hurricane hit the target so perfect at the perfect high tide with barometric readings saying it should have been rated 3 categories higher. The category 1 reading with category 4 pressures is only possible if the hurricane is lacking humidity, which would definitely be the case if it was not natural and pumped up by Haarp technology while over cold water which should have killed it. Forget about the Gulf Stream excuse, the water was too cold for this storm to have been real, PERIOD. And it simply bullseyed the target too perfect at too perfect a time, DEAD ON HIGH TIDE. Had it hit at low tide, less would have happened. However because it hit at high tide -

3. The coastal areas had to endure 30 foot waves, ON TOP of a 12 foot combined tide and storm surge. This devastated the entire coastal region, and laid many communities waste. But there is something else to this story that they are refusing to report. Once inland, away from the waves and storm surge, the storm was NOTHING. The winds were not very high, and there was virtually no rain, and power remained on virtually everywhere until the power was cut, in my belief by choice. Farther inland, homes “burst into flames”, and I beg to question HOW? Do homes erupt in flames any time the wind is blowing? Obviously not, but they needed their photo ops and the same people who opted to not sand bag the subways likely went out and burned down foreclosed homes for the photos.

4. Inland, there are no broken windows, no torn off roofs, not even any collapsed carports or anything else for the photos. People on the ground who have written to me have said that immediately by the ocean it is horrible, because the ocean tore it up, but inland there is nothing to see. Joel Skousen of the World Affairs Brief was there during the storm, and he also confirms this, as well as Mochizuki of the Fukushima Diary. So WHY IS THE POWER OUT?

5. People on the ground have been telling me that there are absolutely no repair crews going around to restore the power. And by no repair crews, I mean, NO LOCALS, NO ONE FROM OUT OF STATE, NO REGULAR GUYS NADA. And people talk to people and the huge question is now being asked, WHY ARE THERE NO REPAIR CREWS TRYING TO GET THE LIGHTS BACK ON? Their comments basically consist of, well, I can understand there is a lot of work out there to do, and they could all be spread out thin, but why are we not seeing even ONE?. You can forget all the stories in the press about hundreds of repair teams descending on the disaster area from out of state to fix things, My guess, to be honest? Your gonna think I am whacked, and maybe this is a missed observation, maybe they ARE there, but what if . . . .

What if the repair teams are being told to go there, meet at a central location, and then they are all diverted to a fema camp? Only, it’s a worker camp you see, and they are just sitting there waiting for their orders. Probably being fed fairly well, but also rendered totally useless to their intended purpose. THAT would keep the power out long enough for the people who opted to not sandbag the subways to delay the elections, and create a massive humanitarian crisis. And tyrants thrive on crisis. It would also prevent qualified people from going into the area, realizing the lights are out for no reason at all, and calling BS on the whole thing. I believe that since New York got through the hurricane fine with the lights still on, only to have the Con Ed explosion take the lights out (highly suspicious sabotage) that in fact the power is off by choice and this is a giant crisis excercise to test the american psyche and see how much BS Americans will tolerate before they do the next big run which will involve the entire country.

6. In several locations along the coast, people have been given five minutes to pack their bags and leave, even if their homes are in perfect condition and they have food and water, and are able to drive out any time they want. Instead, they are being loaded onto buses and told they won’t be allowed to return for MONTHS, some people are being told they won’t be allowed to return for up to 8 months. Since this is ridiculous beyond belief, there is something fishy with this, and I have heard no reports of where these people are actually being taken to. One such evacuation in New Jersey left an area with 15,000 residents stripped down to fewer than 50. WTF is going on with this?

7. The shills are in overdrive, and it seems that all the comments sections everywhere are loaded with airheads telling people to cooperate with the government because the government knows best and it is all for our protection, EVEN WITH REGARD TO THE SUBJECT OF FORCED EVACUATIONS OF AREAS WHICH RECEIVED NO DAMAGE. So what is it that these shills know that is so damn good for us, that people have to leave areas that were not affected by anything other than a power outage?

8. The answer is obvious. This was obviously a pre planned October surprise. And ifAmericans don’t begin standing up and calling total BS on this, they had better be prepared for a Rothchild/Rockefeller/elitist Red Dawn that will make that movie look like an adventure vacation. This is a BS test, to test their ability to use shock, sympathy, and many other variables to keep Americans quiet while they commit heinous crimes, put in place an intentional seige, round people up in a big test run for the future, and most likely delay the elections. They got their “disaster”, partly real, partly not, to set a precedent for ramping up the police state ahead of election time, when they will spark riots after running scandal story after scandal story on both candidates, to make both sides totally pissed off about any possible outcome.

This will be used to justify the final crack down, and I can tell you, if you rightfully felt sorry for those Arabs we attacked for no reason, you are soon to discover who the real future target was. All this terrorisim BS is going to come full circle and hit all of us in the head, and it’s going to impact a lot harder than many people think. Beer Belly kill the rag head Joe sat idly by as a police state emerged to “Get Dem AYERABS” and he is scheduled for an education.

9. An additional significant curiosity – Many Many internet routers are down right now, and only one is in a storm affected area. HOW AND WHY?



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