Re: Turpentine by vairagi ..... Turpentine Healing
Date: 10/17/2012 5:51:14 PM ( 13 y ago)
Hits: 77,410
#147951 might be interested in helping with this chemistry
David Stewarts book "Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple" might help you. A critical review is:
But this is just a short take on this debatable subject.
Many find the anti inflamatory, PH and frequency effects significant. As another interesting part of Cayces approach, I find that in studying Dr Tenant's and Dr E. Revici's work we have numerous possibilites and avenues of efficacy regarding the hows and whys such a therapy might be workng and working on the different levels that are specificly dealt with by Tennant and Revici.
Another interesting possibility is w re to the amazing properties of tree resin aka tree sap. This is a company that sells tree resin in a few different concentrations.
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