Re: Running 16hz by elan164 ..... Rife Forum: Bio Resonance
Date: 10/5/2012 11:43:13 AM ( 13 y ago)
Hits: 2,864
For all i know the muscle twitching in my legs could have been from the doctrine.
//if you can ask for the DNA reset for teeth can one not ask for a DNA Reset for your scalp?
I did ask a while ago, maybe ill write it out.
//All bald heads have a tight scalp while full heads have a nice layer of fatty tissue, the subcutaneous layer. If you ran all of the balding scripts and are still balding maybe a frequency to rebuild this layer is needed. Have you tried anything like that?
Yes i believe a tight scalp has something to do with it. Not sure if its the cause or a symptom of losing hair. Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is the layer of fat on the scalp and other areas of the body. Ive tried running the scriipt in the thread below that newport mentions to help with leptin.
Haven't come across any other frequencies to regenerate BAT or form new blood vessels (angiogenesis). In cancer they use anti-angiogenesis drugs to stop this process, as blood starvation kills the growth of tumors.
//I'm sure after being on the doctrine and all the self healing you've done that your blood is clean and the dht has normalized.//
Yes, the majority of the health problems i had before have disappeared. But even with an improved state of health, im not sure hair will regrow without some sort of regeneration kick start. Similar to a limb regrowing, or gums.
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