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Re: Need to stop palpitations and mind racing by #102875 ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum

Date:   9/29/2012 2:51:20 AM ( 13 y ago)
Hits:   5,036

Ok, I read what you have written in your two posts.

Seems to me that you are in a very similar situation then me. I was poisened from my mother with mercury and had severe autistic tendencies around childhood and teenage, this was getting more severe when I had my first vaccation. 

I accept your opionion on this but I don't believe in any genetic disadvanteges when it comes to detoxification of the body. When you were poisened with anything around young age the liver is nearly always the first organ which is damaged, so when you now have a lesser ability to detoxify how will you know if your liver is just messed up or it really is a genetic disadvantege ?

School medicins are gangster, they poisened me with mercury, flouride, bromide and also aluminum.







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