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Re: Candida symptoms will not subside by joegrane ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   9/27/2012 1:38:23 PM ( 13 y ago)
Hits:   2,901

Thanks for the reply. I also had a porphyrins test done. It was normal, like my hair test and urine test provoked with DMSA. However I still got really nice gains from my 2 yrs of chelation.

Testing for heavy metals stinks. Some in the Cutler groups think that getting sfx from taking a heavy metal chelator--DMSA, DMPS, ALA-- is a stronger indicator of the presence of HMs. That has been true in my case. I'm quite sensitive to chelators and so have never gotten above 30mg doses, yet have had nice gains for my trouble.

Cutler says there is a high false negative rate with porphyrins.

You sure do have a list of things to deal with.

Have you ever tried what some call the 'virus protocol' that includes enzymes to weaken the protective shell around the virus. Enzymedica makes one of the ones that is used for this purpose. I could provide more links if requested.

Good luck and God bless.



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