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And now, for a brief intermission...... by moderator5A5 ..... Christianity (Biblical) Support

Date:   9/26/2012 10:47:04 AM ( 13 y ago)
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First of all, thank you Refreshed for your petition.  I am sure many of us are backing you wholeheartedly in petitioning the Lord for the restoration of this forum.  I came to read through the posts last night very late and was apalled at what I found.  I confess that I was so tired from a very busy week that I did not have the energy or presence of mind to respond adequately.  Today is a new day.

As stated many times, the purpose of this forum is to offer a place where Christians of any background can enter and share their life and faith with others.  Sometimes in the process of sharing, it is inevitable that different ideas will be encountered and often debated, and this in and of itself is perfectly acceptable.  However, perhaps there are a few things that need to be stated once again, in case I've failed to explain clearly.

Although the forum description does an adequate job of describing the nature of the forum,  a few things need to be further defined.


As Biblical Christians we all believe that:

1) Mankind is lost as a result of sin and eternally separated from God. 

2) Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the second person of the Godhead, who came in the flesh to offer His life as a ransom for us. 

3) He is the Truth, the Light and the Way, and no one can reach the Father except through Him.  

4) To have access to the Father througth Jesus Christ, we must first recognize our sin nature and repent, asking and receiving God's complete forgiveness. 

5) As a result of this process, we enter into relationship with God and are called to walk in a manner that reflects the Lordship of Jesus in our lives. 

6) The believer is commanded to take the knowledge of Christ and His salvation through Him alone to a chaotic and dying world. 

7) Eternal life with God is a free gift and a choice, continual refusal ultimately leads to eternal judgement.

That, as well as I can describe it in brief, are the basic tenets of Christianity, the things over which we can all agree and which constitute the very essence of our faith.   This forum exists to house all those who can agree on these basic, foundational principles.  The overwhelming majority of evangelical Christian denominations agree on these points.


There are those who call themselves Christians but who object to the aforementioned, narrow definitions.  These folks are welcome to voice their opinions on Curezone and most likely there is an appropritate forum for them somewhere on this website.  This forum is not it.  The moderator will gladly assist in escorting those posters and their posts to a more fitting forum.

Ideally, the participants in this forum are best served when everyone is present to support other believers with prayers and encouragement.  Being that the basic foundations are wide, there should be much that ALL Christians find in common so that they can reach each other with positive, edifying messages.

That being said, we know that in the living out the faith, there are thoudands of different opinions and methodologies.  It would be ludicrous and very confusing if there was a forum each for every denomination or branch of Christianity on a website that is primarily geared towards alternative health.  Therefore, if everyone were to agree on the foundational givens, there should be no reason why civil discourse of the differences can not be carried out.


For all the reasons mentioned above, and many others which have been frequently mentioned elsewhere, this forum is an ideal place for Christians to come and learn from each other, express their ideas, concerns, zeal, dedication, questions, faith and yes, even doubts!  Hence, while there is a wide margin for variations, it is expected that differences be handled in a manner that demonstrates a surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, which ideally all have in common, and discuss even the touchiest subjects in a respectful, kind and courteous manner.  While at first this might seem like a very difficult premise, it is wise to remember that even scientists and philosophers can argue their opposing positions in a respectful manner.  Christians, by virtue of their being temples of the Holy Spirit, should be able to surpass even the most tempered of the ungodly.  When that is clearly not happening, then either man or God is a liar.  The Word says to let every man be a liar, but God is always the Truth.

When "discussions" turn into mudslinging, tantrums, manipulation and control, fits of self-righteousness, arrogance, innuendos, accusations, haughtiness and bitterness ad nauseum, then it is patently obvious that no matter how much is said to the contrary, the Holy Spirit is the least in charge.  When that happens, then expect remedial action.


The moderator of this forum is a Christian, with a solid foundation in the Bible, with life experiences  and strong personal beliefs that are put into practice daily and who may or may not agree with much of what is posted on this forum, content wise.   Regardless, there are NO personal favorites as far as the running of this forum.   The rules apply equally to everyone, and if sometimes there is a delay in carrying out justice, never assume it is because favor has been extended to one over the other.  Time constraints and a busy personal life are at fault for any apparent imbalances.  When behavior that is generally not allowed in any support forum shows up on this one, action will be taken as soon as posssible.   Banning a poster is a difficult and unpleasant task, but there are much greater and consequential reasons why unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated.  After an initial warning, repeated offenders WILL be banned and no amount of pouting, backbiting, nastiness, begging, threats or manipulation (which the Bible defines as witchcraft) will result in  reinstating to the forum.  On the other hand, genuine repentance, acknowledgement of wrong doing, a change of heart and mind and evidence of a drastic turn around from the objectional behavior, can have a heart-melting effect on old, crusty moderators, this one included.

Thank you for taking the time to read this very lengthy post which was inserted in the middle of a very honorable and godly request.

Meanwhile, I join you in  fervent prayer and desire to see things not return to normal, but reach greater potential in Christ as people gain a greater understanding of the true meaning of 'in Spirit and in Truth'.

And remember, there is a chaotic, suffering world out there waiting for you to demonstrate the only Light there is.  Will you be a bearer of that Light, proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or will you choose to hide your light and appear as those in darkness?  Your choice....



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