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I agree with NPwannabe... by fledgling ..... Ask Humaworm: Parasites

Date:   9/24/2012 9:54:55 AM ( 13 y ago)
Hits:   8,214

...But, I'd suggest a half cup of Himalayan Crystal Mineral Salts in a warmish footbath, for 20 - 30 minutes,..or a bath.

This foot (or hand) bath worked instantly for me)...though I didn't ecognize what had happened until the following morning. Coming downstairs I realized that I felt fine, which I hadn't the night before!

It doesn't make you high, or flushed with happiness...just quietly 'yourself'...all anxiety has disappeared/vanished, forgotten.

A full tub bath takes 1 kg. of the salts. The idea is to get the bath to a 1% solution, to get it to the solution that works best for your skin cells.

You will love your skin cells more than ever before, once you realize that your anxiety has vanished.


My best.


(Sory I was so slow to finish this post. I have been away from the computer fo a while.



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