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Re: Rainy and Refreshed. Rainy and Refreshed... by Mighty.Sun.Tzu ..... Christianity (Biblical) Support

Date:   9/16/2012 9:08:47 PM ( 13 y ago)
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I only ask that people choose the Lord Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven.  This includes Doc and Chavey, choosing holy Spirit over flesh, but i don't believe that either is truly willing at this time and so we see both of them melting down in flesh or worse, none of which are Holy and righteous behaviors.  I won't say what i clearly see because i don't believe this forum is entirely ready for it, but let us make no mistake, this is a spirit realm battle. 

I have no personal stake in it, resting in the Lord's peace (which really does in this instance pass all understanding) and surrendered to His perfect will, whatever this may be.  What the Lord will do, He will do.  Personally i favor full deliverance and reconciliation but that is not for me to decide.  Unrepentance can be (and i believe in this case it is) an immense obstacle to this highly preferred course.   For all we know, the Lord may be clearing the sin out of the camp, forcing people to repent from their sin or leave. 


"I love all of you....but you said something different than church going christians would say. I don't know how to help you with that issue....other than pray."

I am not sure what you mean here refreshed if you are willing to clarify.  Thank you. 


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