Re: Candida, Thyroid, and Adrenal connection by #86374 ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum
Date: 9/14/2012 6:43:47 AM ( 13 y ago)
Hits: 10,099
I post as Steve but im a little further down the line so i dont reccommend to "copy" me, but your more than welcome to follow my progress.
I had been on T3 only for quite a while so had cleared all my RT3, so i thought i would see how my own thyroid would handle now there was not much Rt3 around, and well i am still not converting very good from T4>T3, so i am about to try just a T3CM dose only with no other adrenal/thyroid meds and see how i go, if this does not go too well then i will try T4/T3 combo and then after some time back to T3 only.
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