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Re: Candida, Thyroid, and Adrenal connection by #86374 ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   9/13/2012 5:24:31 PM ( 13 y ago)
Hits:   10,271

I tried just herbs and glandulars for 6 months with very little effect, i did not treat as i did not realise i had low iron at this time so maybe that made the herbs/glandulars in affective as my thyroid did not improve due to the low iron....

My 24 hour saliva test came back very under range throughout the day, so with the backing of a private doctor and the adrenal yahoo group i started to take HC/Florinef. Then i added in T3 only, but i first did try T4 only and a T4/T3 combo but i had too much RT3 that i ended up needing T3 only.

I am by no means saying this is the only way as by taking HC/Florinef its not easy to get off them....But for me the improvement was so great i knew right away on was on the right track. For the last 6 months in work i had hardly spoken to anybody i was just about able to get through each day, then the day after taking HC people in my work started to ask what was happening with me as i became chatty again and i had a belief that i may not actually be stuck feeling like that for rest of time!

There is also a new method around which is touched upon a couple of posts above yours called T3CM, it involves taking T3 when the body/adrenals need it most and when it would be at its highest in a normal healthy person and that is some point within the last 4 hours of sleep. There is a book and a yahoo group if you search for T3CM, or the book is called Recovering with T3 only. I am in the process of trying to get this method to work for me, its not as simple as one size fits all, but it is working for many people out there despite it being quite a new procedure.


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