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Candida, Thyroid, and Adrenal connection by #86374 ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   9/13/2012 5:44:26 AM ( 13 y ago)
Hits:   10,955

I am going to write something which i wish i would of read at the start of my illness so i did not waste some years of my life trying to battle candida, going down the wrong path in the hope someone near the start of there journey or someone heading in the wrong direction can benefit from this.

There is a BIG connection between candida, thyroid, and adrenals.

I believe if someones thyroid is optimal (i do NOT mean there blood tests FT4 and FT3 are within range) i mean the T3 is actually entering the cells, then your immune system should be fairly strong and allowing the candida to turn into its dangerous form should very rarely happen.

If you have had candida for a long time you will most probably have some sort of adrenal fatigue as candida puts some much extra stress on the body, can adrenal fatigue also contribute to candida... YES. If you have adrenal fatigue this can stop the thyroid from working as it should and stops the conversion of T4 to T3 and also stop the T3 from entering the cells. T3 is needed for a healthy immune system.

Also around 1/5 of the conversion from T4 > T3 happens in the stomach, so people with candida/gut problems are already 1/5 lacking of normal thyroid levels. To add to this when one has an illness the body makes RT3 instead of converting T4>T3 as this slows the metabolism down which is generally a good thing if you have a serious illness, but for those of us with candida this is not.(i could go into more detail here if needed, but i dont want a massive wall of text, i would prefer to touch on the main points for now)

I am just going to touch on iron levels also, if you have low iron levels this will also stop the thyroid from working as it should causing less FT3 and also more RT3. Taking iron when you have candida problems is usually asking for trouble i found, as it can cause constipation(take it with as muc vit c as possible to avoid this but also increase absoprtion) but i also find taking iron seems to increase the coating on my tongue. If you suspect low iron go to your gp and asking for Ferritin AND full iron panel, which will include, Serum Iron, Serum Transferin, and saturation at the least.

So ways to test if you have thyroid/adrenal problems.

Tests that cost money....(i am not going to give any links as i dont want all the political crap which curezone sometimes has of oh look at this guy trying to sell something, if you really want the tests you will be able to find them from the details i give)

Genova europe - Full thyroid Panel/screening Including RT3.(this will measure your TSH, FT4, FT3 levels aswell as antibodies and also a RT3)

Genova europe - Adrenal testing - 24 hour SALIVA cortisol test. (this will measure your saliva levels for cortisol over the day and not just one snapshot like the 9am cortisol would)

Ways that do not cost money....

Buy a thermometer, and check your temperature upon waking and throughout the day. Your basal reading should ideally be above 36.4 and in very healthy people 36.6+... If yours is around that then it would be better to do more tests, if yours is for instance under 36 than this would almost be a guarantee that you have some sort of thyroid/adrenal problem. Also taking your tempertaure throughout the day on multiple days writing all the results down but making sure to take the temprature at the same time each day, would give an idea if you also had thyroid/adrenal problems. There should be a steady increase in temperature towards and maybe even a little over 37.0 as the day goes on(but in a normal persons standard day there should be little varation between the readings each day) and then a slow decrease in the later day/evening. If yours does not follow this pattern this would also be a sign or if your temp was all over the place eg, 36.2, 36.5, 35,9, 36.3 as the day went on this would also be an indication things are not correct.

Also checking your Blood pressure can help determine how your thyroid/adrenals are coping. If it is constantly low this would be a sign of possible low adrenals and/or low thyroid.

Other sure tell signs are constant cold hands/feet, and sluggish bowels.

I hope this helps for some people and i am open to any discussion/questions.


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