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Re: Earthing and meditation have helped. by ways_of_wisdom ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum

Date:   9/8/2012 1:33:45 AM ( 13 y ago)
Hits:   2,830

I do want to get an earthing strap or something whenever I can afford it but for a different reason.  I had read that vit. B12 improved sleep and I had some (1,000 mcg ea.) because I'd also read that after 40 it becomes hard to assimilate so I began taking one pill at bedtime and I began having to cut back to half because not only it makes me go into deep sleep, but if I wake up like to go to the BA I can now go back to sleep fast instead of lying awake for a couple of hours or not going back to sleep at all, but I also sleep longer, sometimes a little too long, and on the whole pill I'd get up feeling groggy, as if I'd taken an OTC sleeping pill.  So I highly recommend B12 to anyone having this sleep problem, ah, and I need to have calcium at night, one or two chewable tabs from Nature's Plus.


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