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Re: Need Help With Liver ASAP Please. by Ladywear ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   9/7/2012 3:31:21 PM ( 12 y ago)
Hits:   7,265

Hello Karebearkayla.

Thank you and yes it feels good to be doing better!

I wouldnt say eating potatoes has been a "key" to improving, I just included them in my diet, as part of a overall healthy immune boosting diet. I ate the usual white potatoe and found it didnt feed my candida at all, however some fruits did and I had to totally exclude all fruit (apart from a few strawberries now and again - usually as a treat!). I manage to eat brown rice cakes (thats the name in UK anyway) and I do eat some brown wholegrain rice in a stir fry (veggies). I dont think I could eat brown rice every day as for me grains really caused problems. As for the water yes I drink lots of warm water only as cold water passes through the body too rapidly whereas warm/boiled water collects more toxins ready to excrete. I think its about finding out what works for yourself and what you can or cannot tolerate. Some folks just dont do well including potatoes or rice or any fruit...its individual. As for the "key" to getting better for me its been supporting my liver as much as possible (very big key), kidney support (another important key often not mentioned) healthy organic diet which eliminates all my intolerances with the inclusion of antifungal foods, probiotics, gentle exercise, eliminating stress as much as possible, magnesium supplements, occasional liquid iron (have to be careful can increase candida and any bacterial overgrowth) and cut out all cosmetics, hair products, soaps, detergents, sprays etc...all toxic and replace with organics chemical free. I still have a real long way to go, my adrenals are weak too - its a slow slow process but its working for me.

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