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Re: Earthing and meditation have helped. by jiowa ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum

Date:   9/6/2012 6:54:33 PM ( 13 y ago)
Hits:   2,782

it seems the natural things are the most powerful eh.

I forgot to mention I also got and still get help from a product that naturally produces melatonin. I use Pure Planet, Tart Cherry Concentrate, which I get at

When I took a melatonin supplement I get a headache, but not with the cherry concentrate. I started with 1 Tbls, but now take 1/2 of that each night before sleeping. It makes me fall asleep faster.

I also take Supreme Fulvic liquid minerals which I think is at
What I found from this product is that it is very calming to the nervous system and I take it before I meditate. It also has brought back a lot of color to my graying hair. It supposedly kills viruses as well as feeding the body with all the minerals.

I know not all these things help all people, but I have spent thousands of $ on things that didn't help at all, so thought I would share what has helped.

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