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Re: Himalayan Salt Herx, bad by candisufferer ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   9/2/2012 1:57:09 AM ( 13 y ago)
Hits:   11,879

I'm sorry you have had a bad reaction. There's much to the learning curve when trying to battle candida. I wish you luck and hope the testing proves fruitful. I'm no expert, just another sufferer trying to share what little they have gleaned.

I had a similar reaction when trying a salt load. Taking it straight and getting the runs from it: which is the body trying to rid itself of a perceived poison. Felt sick. Though, I was taking TBS spoons full every few hours when that happened. Doubt 5 or 6 big granules would have such a dramatic effect: probably something else. Would humbly suggest salt loading WITH meals and not taking it straight alone. This seems to have resolved my salt tolerance. You can try dissolving it in water and drinking that.

FYI - Ammonia is created by candida from my understanding to make it's environment more hospitable. Could be the pizza's are what is causing your pee smell by fermenting in your gut allowing candida to flourish. Just a thought.

Meat digestion creates ammonia gas and when combined with candida's ammonia it can tax the liver, which might be the reactions you feel are herx like. Every candida sufferer's liver is already taxed by the time they realize they have candida from the mycotoxins alone, as well as from things like ammonia gas. I really did myself a number eating a lot of red meat and resultant ammonia gas....the bloating/gas was awful, so I can relate.

The gassy feeling seems to be an indicator of what you are eating, not salts. Think it's probably ammonia gas from feeding the candida, not die off....

Have only made bone broth once myself but, just too much work for my present limited functionality but, if I can make it anyone can. It's basically fool proof - throw in whatever you want and simmer it down. I started out with two gallons and ended up with 4 cups of broth over about 8 hours of simmering. Have read about people saying you can refer it between simmerings if you don't have a single point of time to complete cooking. Perhaps that will help your roommie be less concerned. I hope to be able to make more broth when energy reserves can support such as it tasted really good.



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