Re: EFT for RAGWEED ALLERGY by chirontherainbowbridge ..... EFT Tapping: Emotional Freedom Technique
Date: 8/29/2012 11:15:18 PM ( 13 y ago)
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Hi, You might not actually need someone to tap on you—I’m not feeling a strong ‘yes’ on that; but it can help to have another viewpoint.
What I've come to recognize over a few years of working with EFT is, it's very important to be *organic* about the process. > You are unique, and you work WITH yourself.
Not so much ON yourself.
In the beginning, I think we all tend to work ‘on’ ourselves; our perspective is one of fixing something, and we can be very linear and sort of rigid about it. Working with, is letting key associations come to mind; and as they come up, continuing the tapping rounds, noting but not getting hung up in the spurts of ‘feeling worse’. (or the winds of emotion, sweeping through.)
These transient spots are evidence of getting closer to the core issue(s).
It’s interesting, isn’t it, that there are literally millions of people right now (ragweed season in the north) who are *sufferers, who might be equally ready to let *that go.
So exciting! *Your own words are like doorways to help guide you, where each one can open a connecting passageway. Thoughts arising like minor obstacles you can often see clearly, and tap your way past.
Odd, isn’t it--EFT can work almost miraculously sometimes- and at other times, it appears this is not so— Why? It’s fine to be open to the mystery of why that’s so, if we are. But more often than not, we’re flummoxed by that.
I’ve learned EFT’s success is grounded best in a certain attitude I call Asking Better Questions. I’m happy that you asked for some pointers, or something! I’m sure it’s the deeper part of you asserting, “I’m missing something key here, I know it”— That simple attention IS healing, that’s already accomplished—just waiting for you to get to it.
( And for me to write this down.)
Seriously, rather than this being some fluff, like a premature affirmation, (all too real, ahem), this is an organic viewpoint, beneficial to subscribe to, if you find it resonates at all. You only need a little allowing for the faith -as of a mustard-seed to come and move a mountain. The reason this is, is because it’s not a magic “you” made, but one that includes You.
The sense of missing something, and wanting to undo errors of perception, and that small bit of attention focussed on the something greater that includes us all and can undo all errors, has the effect of clearing your field of lots of junk and interference, so you can progress with more rapidity and ease.
Just the awareness of something is often all it takes
To shift a lifetime of obscurations. Your post has given me an opportunity to share an aha! that came to me awhile ago. Thank you!
Imagine at this point, if you will, you are sitting, feeling in a truly happy place.
(Whatever/wherever that is.) Nothing comes to interrupt your peace, and a thought, like a faultless opal, or a moonstone, something that is given to you,
like a dewdrop enters into your mind, and it says:
“Ask better questions!”
It doesn’t feel anything like recrimination, admonishment, or in any way at all negative—but a genuine loving blessing. Even the voice in the mind has a faint laughter to it; quality of sheer joy and patience.
Can you picture/feel it? Even if it seems a bit unclear now, It’ll show you, at your own pace, what this means, and how it can change every perceived attack, or threat, into its other form—Peace. ( In some forms of EFT you hold the wrist after a round, breathe deeply, and say peace. This is good.)
The Universe -or EFT, can only give you as much as you are asking for— This conforms to a universal law of non-interference, and the asking has to be NOT banging a drum of “ I want that, but I have this.” ( And with EFT, we often add, “and I’m okay with that!” Not maybe such a great place to leave anything.)
This is the feeling-place you are stuck in when you work to release the “allergy”, and then take the Claritin. You recognize there is a conflict within you, that you find hard to come to terms with, to “live with, bu there you are.
Ask Better Questions has a friendly correlative, another side to the same coin. I don’t know what to call it yet, but it comes out of this attitude of relaxed but alert inquiry, (without identifying with oneself as ‘the sufferer’ )—So it is good for the unwinding part of EFT; or the uprooting, as well as being a tonic generally for the ability to be located in a place of peace; or ease.
We’re always re-orienting ourself to being in sync, in the vortex, in alignment, or choose your own words. We keep re-adjusting the dial to True. ABQ, as a basic attitude or willingness helps with balancing.> Neither wanting (in any clinging way)something to be other than it is, nor NOT wanting it to be.
( All this can be reframed as tapping statements, if you like any of these words, or phrases, and if you especially don’t like them!…) The companion of ABQ is this willingness that comes from deep inside to be actively receptive. And it comes from one’s connection to Source, almost like a vow to provide answers, to these better questions.
Sometimes answers come that cause a person to say, “wait a minute”, and look around for the question. Because in that case, you know this is an answer that will really serve someone, not just yourself. But maybe you forgot you asked. That’s a lot of fun.
Over-focus (as with the eft process) is fixation or fixity. Easy to get into, with EFT, or anything. Then there’s resistance, or, there’s contraction, (such as in the stomach, or the heart; or the head, from trying to make sense of something…
There is an ‘over-energy’, of being blocked. So it’s often good when you notice this, to re-set attention inwardly
to, “and this reminds me of”—and see where the energy goes in the body, or the memory.)
Blockage results in weakness somewhere else, since the entire being is pure energy that is always seeking to correct itself. If we can see our physical manifestations that way, we can give attention to the natural, self-correcting orientation, rather than the ‘sick’ focused one.
Looking at the usual day-to-day world we get submerged in, with all its distractions and demands for our attention; we humans are very quick to want to ( by some contrast, almost ) jump into the attitude of “Even though ... (and) …I love and accept.. …and forgive", and we expect quick results too. Reaction often builds upon reaction. Where will it go?
We have to remember not to close up (like an envelope where we forgot to add the letter), or rush the process (of reaction, and whatever we’ve done to conform to reaction,) too quickly; in effect, skimming the issue, and jumping out. I get an image of a pristine lake, and wading gently in. There is a bit of resistance to the water—but it’s okay. Then, letting go, swimming a bit, floating for a bit. Seeing the sky.
Even “treading water”. (< This has a gracious ring to it, doesn’t it; as well as another one that suggests barely staying afloat? Like two sides of the same coin.)
At ease with the water, letting the whole lake (all the associated aspects) just be, and come into one’s awareness, in acceptance. This is giving the hidden parts of the entire picture (of the presumed issue) the message, it’s fine to join in.
At this point you might be noticing how some of my words are triggering ideas, or reactions in you. (Or someone else reading this, after you). That would be perfectly natural, since we all have our own language, indeed our own made up world. The happiest way to approach this is to observe what causes a reaction and use it as an assistant—Or change the wording, and use that to further the EFT tapping.
Personally, I find EFT can be very fruitful when I let one layer lead into another, and just keep tapping in rounds while I talk through (or let pictures come to mind) and say, while focusing, while watching, as if a movie, “this”, and “all this”, and “whatever is related to this, at any level”, and so on. That can be enough to work on the releases.
It is quite a bit different to sticking with one’s perceived three or four specific symptoms.
Remember, “symptoms” are like the little ripples on the surface of the lake. The lake can appear for all the world, dented with waves, to one person—and to another, a day later, calm and clear.
Also, such an all-embracing approach ‘welcomes’ other viewpoints to come into consciousness, and there is less need to take anything personally. ( Which in itself, can dissolve an allergy—or its symptoms, pretty quick, when you think about it.)
Note: We should never be afraid that too much will come, if we go into this lake, as it were, and invite the depths to emerge. But sometimes it might be good to tap on all sorts of fears, just go wild with them. Like “even though I’m not really worthy”…I don’t deserve”, or whatever crazy thoughts come to mind from childhood. This sense of unworthiness is a big block -and a fear- for most of us, at some deep level. It’s never
True of course, but our stuck places and ingrained reactions don’t know that.
So, why not approach the issue from another angle, if you get stuck? Fear will stop the process—So, fear will stop EFT also, from doing the miraculous—since fear says “NO”.
If that ‘too much’ (of the lake, of life, of this post, or even of the possibility of simply feeling too good--if you get truly well, and what THAT might imply) IS a fear—or you think it might be, go ahead and tap on that, and see what comes up.
The secret to ‘asking better questions’ is that you’re not really the asker, anymore, and it’s such a huge relief! once you see and recognize that better questions ARE (always, already) what is being asked for, and answered.
So who is asking? It’s a bit of a koan. Answers do come easier though, or are ready for their setup statement frames, such as the answers to,
“What IS this allergy?” Why does it persist? What need does it serve in me, to be manifesting this so-called allergy? Does it relate to some old sadness? (even though this sounds nonsensical) What need does it serve others?
(This connects to family and close ones) What backwards thought might it be concealing, for my benefit? Why would anyone WANT to have this allergy? (Here you are getting exasperated, but that’s honest.)
“I’m so tired of this allergy waking me up!”
Lots of thoughts might come to that. It is at night that we may have fallen asleep comforting ourselves, for example. I know I did, as a child—and many others do too. And the pattern can persist.) All these ideas or insights, or half-glimmerings can be employed as new statements, as we do in the “Even though… “phrasing that opens the door for intuitive insights.
It’s often not enough (to the wounded part bearing the load) to skim past issues, with a breezy “I forgive myself for whatever need this may have served in me” — Why is that? Maybe because the forgiveness might be a repeat of an old pattern of someone’s trying to ‘make everything all better’, but quickly, while being in fear of hearing or facing “what’s wrong”.
These are just random ideas, coming to me—But I was moved to compose this post to be of genuine assistance, and you can see how something here might apply, to someone in your situation. Or, to anyone doing –or interested in- EFT.
You know, the potential questions can go right into the absurd quite rapidly, and sometimes--no often-- the more absurd the question morphs, the closer you are getting to the whole issue simply toppling into a literal and sudden non-issue, the entire forest of false trees coming down in one swoop..
An aside that might be relevant--I had a problem, for a time, with the common EFT concept of uprooting trees, and taking out whole forests. I liked the idea, I could see a strong cleansing and releasing in it, in this ‘uprooting’—and potentially, that it’d be very effective, BUT,
I LOVE trees, and deeply (I mean deep down) resisted this symbolic uprooting—could feel resistance lurking there, and being quashed, or pushed deeper. ((This is why it’s so important that we learn how to frame things in our own language—and not to just follow someone else’s, however good the concepts sound, logically, or even to the part that wants to get things going.))
Trees, as it turns out., are the main guardian spirits of the ‘inner child’ (the young self) in this life-manifestation—Someone like me might have an inbuilt, deep, heartfelt command, let’s say, against anything that would interfere with trees—whose below-ground –as above-gound- network is priceless beyond measure.
This is an example of how we need to tread gently with ourselves. Consider that you/we have perhaps always been rushed, and never, or not often enjoyed the sense of peace and no limits. If we can bring that knowledge to our grownup practise of EFT, then we can move mountains. Literally. And leave forests intact and flourishing.
One day in the course of tuning my frequency to asking better questions, I aspired to an answer to this conundrum— It came to me that when we say tree in an EFT paradigm, we mean the false, manufactured, constructed ones that we take to be real.
This might seem like an elementary revealing—like, “Of course we mean the fake ones!”— but I feel like it was a revelation when I tuned my inner dial to this recognition that we mean the fake ones—For this to become conscious, and integrated, and not remain a conflict in me was a big thing: one small step for some sleeping person, a big leap for wakefulness, in EFT ) because these fake trees are indistinguishable from so the trees of called “reality”—that we have taken as the truth for so long, it is almost impossible to see past it. Like someone in the film the Truman Show being able to envision a world outside the ‘world set’.
Like a fish, who’s never been out of the ocean, being told, we’re going to take down the sea.
To get a productive EFT session going, maybe you want to/ can tap on something like, “Even though I have no idea what the roots of this thing truly are, that started (or seemed to) ten years ago; that I’m calling ragweed allergy…
See how many holes there are already, in the apparent factual reality of this ragweed allergy. And maybe, you can progress with things like, “I’m willing to let go of the need for the allergy.” (But I admit to a sense that is premature—and that you have missed some important “trees” in this particular fake forest. )
How about, “ I’m willing to admit I don’t know… I’ve decided to change my mind. I’ve decided to ask better questions, and not assume I know what the issue really is…
Regardless of this itchy X and runny Y and all the other stuff that says, “it’s the ragweed, and you need to take something”…”
In your mind, have the idea “and this reminds me of“ .
I’d make a note about waking up in the night with the allergy, and how that makes you feel, to wake up in the night with these sensations… There might be an old sorrow connection you can dispel..
Then see what kind of reaction you feel to the spoken words or merely the concepts of such as “having to take this”. (Claritin—but it could be as easily something else, where the Claritin is simply a scapegoat, or surrogate, sort of— A symbol of something else.)
How does “I have to take this” feel? Any resistance of weakness there?
And what comes to mind? Here’s where AK (muscle-testing) can help speed things up. You can check for weakness or strength to various ideas such as “I hate having to take this”, and then test to see what area of life this refers to, and so on. What deeper level, or earlier incident it points to. Have you read Power vs Force, by Hawkins?
If not, you might want to. ( as an intro to the potential of AK in revealing truth and falsehood. Or ‘strong’ and ‘weak’— Or which foods, persons, places, etc, strengthen or weaken one. It’s an natural branch of EFT, or vice versa. )
There may well be a few ‘whatevers’ that continually set up a reaction that contributes to the ‘allergy’—esp.. considering the liver’s place in all this.
It might be good to have a notebook/journal for EFT. For the statements or ‘answers’ that come to mind, when you decide to ask better questions. (Meaning only, ones that don’t pre-suppose something is such and such, because millions of people, or even, one’s entire family agree. )
In that regard, the “personal peace process” might appeal to you. I was just re-acquainted with it the other day. And keeping it all contained in one book (one ‘sacred’ place, if you will,) might well energetically assist you in opening up and strengthening the connections between all aspects (and times) of the issue, and allowing yourself ‘unknowing’ enough –of what the issue is- for breakthroughs to occur.
It doesn’t have to take eons—I’m sorry if I’m making it sound that way, or overloading you with ideas. It could happen very quickly—it just takes one single thought that resonates at the right moment, and the seed flowers.
We should recall that some seeds were planted long ago—what we might call “good seeds”. And these grow by leaps and bounds. So, never lose sight of that, if you lose sight of yourself, and who you really are: pure potential of goodness—And if you remember that, just here and there in moments, and wish that others’ seeds of good will flower speedily, this is VERY good for your own process.
And –anyway- people are always reporting the miraculous, instant effects of EFT, so a simple thought that extends imagined good, knowing that good is possible, is a big contributor to Good. And yes, these ideas and their effects are for real!
But I’m truly feeling, today; at this moment, that it’s the attitude of ABQ that gets us working at the quantum level—This is so simple! If my own father were alive today, I feel I could share this, even if he and I were on alternate universes. And this could be transformative.
Once attention goes there, in basic intention to “pay attention”, down to the smallest particle is affected.
Once you learn to read, you never again live among the confusion of gibberish.
Being in this zone of relaxed anticipation, this heightened curiosity that says, Okay—show me. I want to know the (always unfolding, infinitely revealing) Truth, not merely how to work or cope better with some idea of the way things are! This is the unfolding.
The truth is never ‘against’ anything, but it can’t be hidden, once it’s asked for. So, that’s comforting, yes? Yet we can be very subtly telling ourselves we don’t have the time (or the whatever) to get to the roots of the issue. That is a BIG block, I feel, for lots of people.
It’s one of the biggest reasons we take pills, go see doctors, look to others for some opinion that we might cling to…and so on—because we believe we have no time
(for example) to be less than fully functional, and we have to appear
as well, or worthy, or dependable, or “on”, or something. Or, we believe
that it’s not safe, for some reason, to actually learn, to not know, and then to learn and know ‘the truth’, starting from not knowing. To uncover it, and be innocent and recreated.
That’s another big one, we’ve been deeply conditioned to accept. (that it’s better not to know—let the experts manage it.) < Rabbit-hole alert. There may be guard posts set up in the very innermost workings of ours minds;
some might call these “Wernicke’s Commands”— you can google this-- +Australian. It refers to deeply embedded codes, such as might stop us from progressing past a certain point of ‘roadblock’. There may be a buried idea that says something like, “if anyone suggests there is more to know, to get past X (whatever the roadblock is), you will physically stop them, or stop yourself.
This is another whole level of uncovering you might want to prepare yourself for—by taking refuge in truth—
whatever you belief system, asking for, and wishing for nothing but the truth that sets everyone free. If this comes from the heart, it is unassailable.
Decide (consciously) that you are ONLY interested in knowing the truth. You may have always felt this is so, or that it goes "without saying",but you need to do this consciously. This is no small potatoes--that is,the effect. But if you feel some fear
in even these ideas, then EFT that--- Try : "even though I feel nervous there might be something that would scare me if I knew… I choose to take refuge in knowing that the truth does not leave anyone left out:”…
and ten go from there when fear distinguishes.
And it’s not really getting to the core of it, if we just affirm that we accept there are reasons for –say, the allergies. That’s not where we want to be, is it? You see how that would tend to show you more of the same? To reaffirm the state or truth of allergy.
We have to be careful with “affirmations”. And the world is always rushing things, right? Wanting to ‘fix something’, because what is is not good enough? < This translates also to a very subtle form of un-love, so that the affirmations can sound –to a part of the Self- like falsehoods, which will simply be cancelled.
I hope that (and/or most of the whole post) makes sense. Some of this is rather convoluted, and you might want to read it twice—but don’t get swamped, please. (Or if you do, tap on releasing that—“even though all this is too much…and I only wanted something simple, a short phrase, or a sequence” )
So in a nutshell I guess my advice is, don't be misled by what the symptoms are--because allergies are a symptom, not ‘the thing’, in itself. The ‘eft thing’ could even be something like a sadness you experienced, or a feeling that felt something like “I’m just not strong enough”, on a day when it was August. Ten years ago.
Or, the ten year trigger could be working on a much earlier experience. Look and see what comes up, when you reflect on all these possibilities…and try to just maintain an attitude of being willing to accept whatever comes up. I would probably, if I were you, tap on any shame, sorrow, guilt, etc. etc. that might be related to the body
manufacturing, or manifesting, this “allergy”.
Quotes are useful, I hope you can agree, because you see that something may be called something, but that doesn’t necessarily make it so—just as a person might have been called something, once, or even many times, but that doesn’t make it so either….see how the associative process can assist you?
And likewise, some upsetting experience in August can translate quite nicely into “ragweed allergy”. A very elegant solution, wouldn’t you say, to a problem of “what do you do with feelings that are hard to process?” ( See, here’s one of those “better” questions that might some up, that really only want anyone to be whole and free, by pointing you to tapping on whatever is connected.)
Some of what I’m saying might sound like it’s in conflict with what some EFT practitioners say. I know some say, be very precise and simple (
‘this runny nose” , “scratchy throat…”) but this precision is –I would say- a very preliminary way to get someone to focus in on what these symptoms are pointing to. And also, a good place to start, maybe even end, since for some people (the lucky few) their issues are not very deeply buried.
The symptoms are a very ‘useful’ way for the whole person to manifest something, where it's kept contained to what’s acceptable; (i.e. “lots of people have allergies” —“The proof that it’s happening is the Claritin!”, and all the other drugs..), whereas the roots can be diverse, and are more like a latticework of interconnected, unique experiences that all fit loosely into the category of what a body does when it’s experiencing “allergies” .
Add to that the collective energy of millions who “deeply and profoundly” ‘believe in’ ragweed ( as a problem). And if you are routinely re-affirming your connection to the collective, (via TV and just through daily living), you make it harder to see past such experiences. That’s why it can help to start an EFT session or round with
“even though what I think or believe is going on may be quite incorrect, and may be based on errors (reword this to suit your own style), AND I’m okay with that….” Like that. And if you are NOT okay with it -don’t slide past, to affirmations of being okay- tap on “I’m not okay with that…yet”. Tap on “It feels scary to –maybe- be wrong” Or try, “It’s safe to not know, to not be right”, and when the resistance comes up, and you know you are lying to yourself, work on that…Maybe by starting with, “It was never safe for me to be wrong”, and then do a round (or many!) of “let it go” … and so on.
These are just a bunch of suggestions, go with whatever clicks.
It’s really quite miraculous, what we do, “to fit in”!. Please don’t take these many quotation marks as implying that things are not ‘real’ , as in, real to all one’s senses and thus, real to experience and its impact —Or that I am devaluing as we used to say, “your truth”). We have to remember, any dis-function in the body is the result of something one is doing, or not, as a result of errors in entrenched beliefs, based on faulty perceptions, and because one simply doesn’t know any better. Everyone is at any time, only doing the best they can, and constantly re-adjusting to inputs. The potential for good is limitless
Why do we take the allergy pill? Let’s look at how we can get past
the surface of things-as-they-appear-to-be, and come to some greater seeing. And emotional freedom. (These are intertwined)
We take the pill so that we can function better.
To stop the thing that's bugging us. ( Notice I said "the thing". We don't actually know what it is that is the root trigger, do we? Or rather, let's pretend we don't know--which is actually a pretty nice place to be, it turns out--a place where we might have existed quite happy to just ask questions, and be in wonder, and “alright” with everything. Does it seem like a nice place to be? Remember being a child and just asking questions, maybe especially “why?” not in a way of urgent worry, or any upset, but just out of pure enthusiastic curiosity--without judgment? It may be that there is trauma buried here, so tread gently, and notice anyplace where something ‘sticks’. Like, it was fine at age five, but not at seven.
Then, if you use the notebook for EFT, you can just write down, for example, “Age seven. Asking questions not okay—Age five okay. Check into this”. And come back to it later, at another time. In the Personal Peace Process, you work through all the issues in your life, over a period of say, three months, and can become literally, a new person.
There is another thought that comes to me, that might not resonate for you, but it’s interesting, perhaps, for someone. It’s said that when there is one allergy there are most often a few others that are ‘weaknesses’ too, and one of these is down pillows. The association there is not really the feathers, that then may become an “allergy” later—but some early sadness, and an experience of crying into the pillow, that got stuck and blocked, back there. Then later, “dust” or “ragweed” , ( along with their associated traumas), the usual suspects can become a problem, when something is triggered.
Another thought, off-EFT-topic. The liver is most often implicated in “allergy”.
Again the quotes are relevsnt here. I hav experienced that after liver flushing, and re-mineralizing, with whole foods that do not stress the body, but contribute to its balance,
What seemed like possible allergies just dissolved. The liver is correctly thought of as the LIVE-R and takes all our thoughts and actions that are not worthy of us as divine beings, and tries to store, transmute, or otherwise contain (quarantine) them, when its higher purpose is to cleanse and release these.
Speaking of quarantine, “They have their purpose too" is nice, as far as it goes, in that it bespeaks acceptance, however, it might be premature—might be in fact anchoring that victim-like belief into your field, thus, giving you more of the same (experience).
So, I’d go back to why we take the pill—because it seems like it might uncover some of
what the allergy is masking.
“Even though I have to take this Claritin, and I really didn’t want to” …”I wanted to do this the natural way, and not stop some symptom from showing up, but let the deeper thing reveal itself…” I love and/…
Now let the lake show you what’s in there, so to speak. Other thoughts will come, if you stay with the feeling. If something comes up that feels scary, that’s good to tap on. The keynote here is “and this reminds me off”. And you can just tap and tap and tap, while you free-associate—and let your words (or just the images) give you the focus you need to work on and loosen the stuck spot, as it comes clearer, and moves more fully into the meridians. Consider how we do these things to our LIVE-R, that end up hurting us.
What a conundrum. I feel that millions of people are trapped in a feeling they keep trying to push deeper, that they are their own worst enemy. And even that is only a mis-perception, once you let EFT help you release it.
Please overlook the many ways this could have flowed better… more simply, or more clearly, or been free of typos. May it, in the end, and despite all errors, serve the greater –the Greatest- good.
I will return to it tomorrow, to check for errors.
If this makes you feel like some kind of royal, and then wonder at my 'status' or 'caste', this is surely a good thing, right?! Rest assured you are, we all are, most worthy! How amazing that is, in light of what we are reading, of this globe, right?
God Bless,
A Dios,
With my Best,
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