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Scared by Lux ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist

Date:   3/6/2006 10:05:00 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   1,294

I was suggested to repost this here, I originally posted this message in the Liver Flush Forum.

Hello everyone! I have been reading this site for some time now but this is my first post. I am a 28 year old female. I recently went to the ER because of bad stomach pains (upper right) and I am having pain behind my left ribcage in the back when I take a deep breath. My blood tests turned out "ok" the doctor said my kidneys and pancreas were normal though my liver was slightly elevated (AST 44H, ALT 51H) The doctor said it could be my gallbladder and recommended that I see a specialist. I am scared that they are going to suggest the removal of my gallbladder. I am going to fight to keep it! I have done 4 liver flushes in the past thanks to this site and I consider the first 2 to be very successful. The last 2 I got next to nothing out so that is why I haven't done a flush in over a year. My husband did his first flush due to my nagging a few weeks ago and had a successful first flush. I am planning on doing a flush this weekend, hopefully this will help me because I am in a lot of pain. I am even taking vicodin (sparingly) and I didn't even resort to pain killers when I broke my finger 2 years ago. I think I eat pretty healthy. I do most of my grocery shopping at Trader Joe's, Sprout's Farmer's Market and Whole Foods. I haven't eaten fast food or pizza (unless I make it myself from scratch at home) in well over a decade. I'm not saying that that should make me invulnerable to something like this happening to me. I understand there could be many factors. I just think it's a real kick in the a** that this is happening when all I'm trying to do is utilize the knowledge that I gain with each year I'm on this planet to try and better myself.


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