Re: Dr. Lam or Dr. Wilson, Ayurveda or other supplements for Adrenal Fatigue? by Sherpa ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum
Date: 8/3/2012 1:24:04 PM ( 13 y ago)
Hits: 6,746
In my opinion, you've have to give up sex / self-gratification and p 0 r n for quite a while if you ever want to go back to it again. It releases a flood of adrenaline... and ejaculating causes the adrenals to have to work in overtime to replenish hormones and juices. Bottom line, it causes stress on the systems that need rest in order to recover.
Just last night I was hanging out with a girl who kept tickling me and it was enough to release a little more adrenaline than needed.
I have personally done well on Dr. Lam's supplements. I wholeheartedly recommend you buy his book ASAP. It will give you lots of information about the ups and downs of various supplement options --
I recommend starting with Vitamin C and panthetine.
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