Re: ya got yer female organs, yer thyroid, but what about the pancreas? by trapper/kcmo ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team
Date: 7/5/2012 12:07:22 PM ( 13 y ago)
Hits: 2,205
this woman had been on insulin for about 4 months and the "prediabetes" meds for a year or three before that.
i told her it wasnt too late not to have diabetes. she took 100mg of Lugols per day and a teaspoon of cinnamon. from the first dose she has never had a shot since. its been over 3 years now. she never had one problem taking iodine. it is a small minority that does have any problems taking iodine. we only hear from them, unfortunately, so it makes people fearful when there is likely to be no problem at all.
hear me now and believe me later - 100mg a day for life is the minimum for maximum health. its the difference between just surviving and thriving.
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