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Re: what about homosexuality? by mh ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist

Date:   2/6/2006 7:35:59 AM ( 19 y ago)
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call nature stupid all you want, but if you choose or unable to have offspring, then nature has no use for you and your taking up space. only humans do this, in nature those that are steril even look differant, with the deer the male has antlers that grow down and not up like normal. this happens when the male jumps a fence and ripps his ability to have offspring, nature marks him as being steril and he is removed from the heard to keep the heard clean.

naturaly all humans who make choices against nature are going be ticked, they do not want to hear anything that does not fit their decesions in life, they can look elesewhere, plenty of gay websites and places preaching zero population, etc., i am just stating a fact of nature that if you decide or have been born unable to have children, then you have a price to pay just like every civilized person pays many differant prices for being civilized. only the ones that know their decesions were wrong will get angry when they see anyone talking or writing about the subjects of breaking nature's laws, this forum is based on the thousands of things civilized people are doing that breaks natures laws that makes nature take steps to remove them.

to be so stupid as say line them up and shoot them is so stupid that you can leave this forum, we don't need people taking up space here that can't understand simple facts. all civilized people make terrable mistakes that greatly shortens their lives and being sterile or gay is just one of a long line of decesions.

if you want to complain about nature, wake up and see how your governments world wide are turning you into animals via drugs from the air, food and water that produces sterile animals for their slavery. do you think they use monkey tissues and dead baby tissues in your vaccines because they love you!!!!!!!!!!! the governments wish yo to be sterile and gay, it fits their plans. they desire you die by age 40 and the sheep follow their leaders right to the slaughter.


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