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Re: Bad Breath or BO??? by #144453 ..... Body Odor Forum

Date:   6/11/2012 12:14:57 AM ( 13 y ago)
Hits:   1,447

Hi Jistar!

Thanks for the reply...I should have explained better when I say bad breath I'm referring to the estreme chronic bb i suffer from that not only comes out of my mouth but also nose. Most of the people that are on a bb site I frequent suffer from nasal bb as well so I just didn't think to explain better.
When a person has severe bb that comes from there nose as well you sometimes get whiffs as well. I know for instance if I'm in one area of my house and walk into another area I smell. My bb fills my small apartment entirely. Some of us can taste the bb and others can't. For some it maybe hard to determine whether you have bo or just breathing out severe nasal odor which can fill a room and not just be smelt from a persons face but from feets away.

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