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Re: Day 7 on Humaworm, Constipated by nanaysdaughter ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   6/4/2012 10:31:43 AM ( 13 y ago)
Hits:   5,322

Day 4
I knew its going to be a busy Saturday. As soon as I woke up, I took my 2 capsules of Humaworm, and rationed 2 capsules each to my parents as well and 1 small capsule for my daughter. Fearful of my painful anus, I thought, I do not want to take castor oil again. I dissolved 2tbsps of psyllium husk, 1 tbsp of slippery elm and 3 tbsps of aloe vera juice in 1 cup of water. I dranked additional 2 cups of water. No BM this morning. Went to my friend's house to let Zarah swim with my friend's daughter. Since its Day 3 of my menstruation, I skipped the pool but had a 10 minute sauna bath. At 4pm we are off to my daughter's piano class, then to another friend's house for our usual Saturday dinner and gathering. It was almost 11:30pm when we got home. Cant bear the thought of not being able to poo for the whole day so, I emptied 2 probiotic capsules into 1 quart of distilled water (room temperature), and added 3 tbsp of aloe vera juice. Poured the mixure into my enema bucket. I hoped that this would be gentler than the coffee enema, and would help to heal my anus. It was very gentle indeed. I passed a lot of gas at first. Then my first BM on day 4 came out. Again, I used the shower to dissect my poo.. same thing black round worms peeking from my brown poo. I also think I saw pin like worms .. are those ascaris?

Day 5
After reading the HW forum, I realized I should not be using psyllium husks (at least not yet). So, to induce my BM, I dissolved 2 tsps of Epsom Salt in a cup of warm water at about 8am, then had breakfast. No more painful anus and painful stomach. But there are still lots of gurgling in my stomach, and the crawly sensations all over my body (is it my imagination)??? I have a loose BM at about 4pm and again at about 8pm. No its past 11pm, and I can hear my stomach grumbling..damn..! are the worms rebelling and making their prescence felt? I do not have enough money to buy additional herbs or products noww. My next pay day is on the 18th. I took 100 mg of niacin an hour ago. I will be taking 500mg vitamin C powder now with a glass of powdered goat's milk to help me sleep. I also took a tissue salt (magnesium phosphate). I also gave it to my daughter to reduce her night time teeth grinding


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