Re: Humaworm helped Mom's Vertigo by wingwalker ..... Ask Humaworm: Parasites
Date: 6/2/2012 10:59:42 PM ( 12 y ago)
Hits: 2,054
I'm so happy to read this post! For several years I had debilitating bouts of vertigo. Saw tons of doctors and was under the care of the best Dizziness + Hearing doc in the city who's hypothesis was that the vertigo was a symptom of migraine. Anyhow, never got better with his treatments and eventually gave up on that route. The vertigo ended up going away and I haven't had an attack for about 3 years. This is awesome but I've always wondered what the hell that illness was all about. After reading your post, it finally occurred to me that it was likely a parasitic issue. Thankfully I have Humaworm on the way. I passed worms the other day and I have no doubt the strange afflictions I have had over the years are directly related to them. Best of luck to you and your mother.
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