Re: new vlog for this week by heavenlyhealing ..... Peeling Lips Exfoliative Cheilitis
Date: 6/2/2012 10:35:52 AM ( 13 y ago)
Hits: 2,370
i really happy to saw that you are on the right track.go a head.leave alone method is quite working well.
i like to say abt my ec life ..........
i am suffering frm ec for abt 6 months........first 2 months i dint take care of it coz it was quite small peeling .but days go it spread..lower lip completly....any way ......i have a suggestion to all frm my life...dont ever use
1.chapstick or vasaline increase peeling......
2.dont pick upper lips or let them we all knw now
3.saliva is dangerous max avoid it getng frm contct
and i am happy to say some doctors in my country know how to handle this prescribe a paste for me .i fell it working well
mode of action of that paste(it may help some on else)
anti inflammatory:inhibits release of paf( i dnt knw what is paf)
,prostaglandins,leucotrienes etc
2. accelerate tissue repair
3.form a protective film.protects the tissue from further damage
i will be back with some strong suggestions after my ec is near .....leaving it alone it recommended...
and my view abt the paste
i knw it may no be a part of leave alone treatment.but keeping the layer of lip is quite hard.this paste help to keep damaged layer like gum.and it helps new skin growth
i will be back with some strong suggestions after my ec is near .....leaving it alone it recommended...and it is working for me........
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