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Can't get rid of this rash. by #120859 ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   5/19/2012 12:19:44 PM ( 13 y ago)
Hits:   7,655

It's either prickly heat rash or ezzema.

I've tried The Master Cleanse - No change
Regular juicing..carrot juice, apples, etc.
I've tried ACV, dead Sea Salt washes/rinses.
I drank a lot of water. Nothing else.
Neem oil did nothing.
I even did a Liver Flush after the Master-Cleanse and no change.
Collodial silver did nothing for it internally or externally.
Rebounding thinking flushing my lymph system would do something but no.

It is not diet related or product/chemical related.

Nothing helps. Nothing is getting rid of it.

Lots of red blotches with tiny blisters/zits and some have green heads. They're itchy or prickly. They're wore after showering or any kind of exertion. Even walking my dog for 10 minutes pissed them off and he's a slow walker.

All over my face, neck, back, chest. Spreading from my upper back to lower back. I think it is prickly rash just because I'm really not sweating much when I should be even if I feel hot. I have a constant sore or raw feeling on my neck and I can't stand it anymore. It's just driving me crazy and not going away at all. I do not know what else to do.


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