Re: What is the hyphal form of candida and.. by sd2345 ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)
Date: 5/15/2012 1:00:14 PM ( 13 y ago)
Hits: 13,257
It was eating lots of greens and veggies and little else when my infection was escalated to the point that my bowels locked up, and I soon found what had been wrong with me. In my experience, it did not kill them, it just stirred them up. They definately don't like greens or green veggies.
I have read many accounts of people who juice greens or went raw or vegan, and 3 wks or a month into it had worms exit them. I have never heard of anyone cured by eating green alone, but it definately stirs them up.
If only it would be that simple......
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