Re: #IF 2 into capsule? by water01 ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity
Date: 4/23/2012 3:51:06 PM ( 13 y ago)
Hits: 1,311
I hope this information is of interest and helpful.
Solutions :) IF#1/IF#2 users? PLEASE READ! :) Re: Problems on Bowel Cleansing with Schulze [Uny]
For YEARS Dr. Schulze REFUSED to encapsulate IF#2, because it doesn't WORK like it's supposed to when it's encapsulated. I had IBS when I did my first cleanse, and I chose the capsule (from Health Freedom Resources, because Dr. Schulze would NOT make them at that time). After the 2nd day, I saw handfuls of little black peas coming out (oh MY, nobody said anything about 'black peas'). I examined them, they were half digested could still see the dry herbs in the middle and parts of the gel cap.
Sadly (those of us that have studied Schulze for years) know that his focus is highly financial these days. 4 years ago you would have NEVER been able to get capsules from him.
Ali, methinks you need to 'start from scratch'...with the right product (IF#2 POWDER and IF#1 capsules if you need them)...and with the right knowledge. EVERY person needs to do one thorough colon cleansing (30 days) and then do a 10 day cleanse on every solstice (or 4x a year). We cannot undo decades worth of damage in a month - that's just silly.
I'm sure you don't want to waste the IF#2 capsules you have. Just put them in a blender and whiz them around (breaking up the gel caps) - then pour it all into a colander and sift the IF#2 herbs into a bowl, and throw away the empty/broken gel caps. Then the dosage is 1 heaping teaspoon of powder, mixed with 4-8 ounces of juice (I like 6 ounces), followed by 8-16 ounces of water. Do not start doing this until you're drinking ample water daily and/or taking IF#1 capsule to achieve bowel movement 3x daily (no matter how formed or unformed).
How much water is "ample" for you? Take your body weight and divide it by two - that number is the MINIMUM amount of ounces of pure water you should drink daily...not counting what you take after every dose of IF#2.
If when taking the IF#1, your bms come all at one time of the day, you can always take 1 capsule with dinner and 1 with breakfast - that will solve that. If 2 capsules is too many, then just open the capsules and shake out half the herbs. Since you seem so 'variable' you should have 3 bms daily for a couple of days or so BEFORE starting the IF#2. Then when you start it, you might need to UP the IF#1 by one capsule. THEN, after you get a good rhythm going, many people find they need less and less IF#1.
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