Re: Help! My pet rabbit has pneumonia. Days are numbered... by perry53211 ..... Miracle Mineral Solution MMS Forum
Date: 4/20/2012 8:12:13 AM ( 13 y ago)
Hits: 5,924
Today I basically just introduced my rabbit to Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . I possibly made it too weak, but I didn't want to over do it since he wasn't any worse than yesterday. The vet is cool with me trying Miracle-Mineral-Supplement on him so I also didn't want my pet to start barfing and making Miracle-Mineral-Supplement look bad.
I basically made a one drop drink the same way adult humans make it, but then I took only one skinny syringe full and gave it to him through the mouth. The threw out the rest.
The vet volunteered to give him some when I am away, so I made the same amount without the activator (water + 1 drop only) and put it in a dark brown bottle. They put it in the refrigerator. I told them to give it to him once a day, shake before using, and keep away from sunlight.
I might call them tomorrow and ask them to give it to him twice a day.
When I return on Sunday, I'll probably only mix four skinny syringes of water, one drop of MMS, plus lime juice, and pull out one syringe full to give him (1/4 drop in a syringe).
The day after that I'll make it 1/2 drop in a syringe.
Is this going too slow? He's not drinking from the bottle and is being force fed unless it's pieces of apples which he'll eat on his own.
I didn't try the dish tip because he just rests in one corner the whole time. I wanted to make sure he got enough oxygen.
As for his condition today before I introduced MMS to him....
He was a TAD bit better, but nothing to get excited over. He's still sick, skinny and mostly staying in one corner because he's weak due to overly strong bacteria in his body.
He was able to eat the two pieces of apple I gave him much quicker than yesterday though. The vet said he was pooing better today too so that was a plus. She showed us a poo that was mostly white. She said it was from too much carbohydrates from rabbit food not being digested in his body. I guess I was feeding him too much rabbit food and not enough hay. Now I really feel bad.
If the bacteria doesn't get too bad and all the carbohydrates get out of him, he should make it and things will return to normal. The Antibiotics they have him on aren't strong enough to kill the bacteria he has so hopefully the MMS is just what he needs.
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