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I feel like a wet wash cloth !! by RawDad ..... The Candida Diet

Date:   4/5/2012 8:19:56 AM ( 13 y ago)
Hits:   1,101

Dr. Jeff,

If I take the full dose .. WOW.

I renders me useless - I have to sleep. I get really toxic and my head hurts so bad my teeth ache.

I have asked about ramping the candida force before...not sure what the best strategy is...

It seems I can ramp 1 of them per week - this tends to give my body a chance to "catch up"... as needed.

Perhaps it's better to "pulse" doses of 15 one day... and 5 the next ?? until I can maintain the 15 ? Focus on the sweating ...??

Also... is a veg juice OK to drink (fresh)? ... would use kale, celery, red cabbabe, carrots, green apple, and lemon.

Or should I stick with salad?

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