Raw rice??? by jaetown ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum
Date: 4/2/2012 5:45:51 PM ( 13 y ago)
Hits: 4,180
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=1925103
So I read that for suspected parasitic infestation, to chew 1/4 - 1/3 c. raw brown rice each morning, chewing each bite thoroughly until completely liquid before swallowing. Eat nothing else for 3 hours.
I'm currently searching other sites for more information. Apparently this is a big step in detoxing for parasites, also helping with bowel motions in case of constipation?
I imagine this would be alongside a diet high in leafy greens and easy-to-digest vegetables and juices.
Has anyone else heard of this - have you tried it - any opinions, good or bad?
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